Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snow Snow snow snow snooooooooooowwwww........

In case you didn't get the title, we have recently had a lot of snow. While the good folks up in New York will probably laugh at us, oh well. I don't think we could really handle the 11 1/2 feet of snow that they recently had. My back is a little sore still from shoveling yesterday, but it was worth it. I have one specific friend who hates snow. I have to agree that it is rather uncomfortable sometimes, but it is still definitely worth it. The following are some of the good things about snow.

I first of all like the entire not being in school thing. No offense intended to any of my dearly beloved classmates, but I don't hate not seeing you very much at all. I have enjoyed spending some time with mainly my family and a some of my friends I don't see as much of during school. I also like the entire aspect of driving in snow (although I think my father feels differently!!) I enjoy the challenge and I am careful about it,unlike some relatives who shall not be named (Senor B).

Also, for some reason I think that it looks pretty cool.

In other totally unrelated news, I discovered that a stray cat is living in our basement. Normally our cat Fuzzy would NEVER have allowed something like this. However, he is not with us right now. Check out my mothers blog to see why. The perpetrator is a rather plump cat with a round face, one small ear and the other ear missing. It is a he. This is all I know about the intruder. Any other information will be posted upon its release.

Thats all for now since I still have a little bit of homework that I should have been doing the last couple of days. Have a great day!


Laura said...

Why thank you...
Glad you had 3 good days off!! T'was qiute nice!^_^

Alicia said...

I had two days off due to the snow and my trip to IN was cancelled.. Canton got a lot of snow also.. but it stinks you had to shovel out your driveway... I almost got hit by a city bus because I refused to stand in snow up above my knees..

Well enjoy your time off school.. snow days were always fun for me...

Billy said...

A little fish-tailing and donuts in the parking lot and I am branded an unsafe driver. What is up with that? Let me put it this way,

"I don't hate not seeing you very much at all."

I am not sure what that means but it is fun to say!

Sandman said...

I hate snow too!
